Are You Making These Management Mistakes?

Joe Weinlick
Posted by in Career Advice

A manager's leadership style sets the tone for a business and impacts the productivity of the team. Developing and refining your individual style and methods is a process that requires time and experience. By avoiding common management mistakes, you can head off problems and create a happier, more effective working environment.

Using a One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Each person on a team brings unique traits, styles and preferences to the table. When managing a group of dramatically different individuals, one of the biggest management mistakes you can make is to use a rigid, one-size-fits-all approach — doing so breeds discontent and sabotages productivity. Some employees need recognition and appreciation, for example, while others perform best working quietly behind the scenes. The most successful managers get to know employees as people and adapt their approach to get the best from each individual.

Failing to Delegate

Failing to delegate is one of the management mistakes common to new managers, though experienced leaders are also susceptible. When you take on tasks that could easily be performed by a team member, or when you are overly involved in every detail of a project, it communicates a lack of trust in your employees. In turn, workers may feel undervalued, ignored and disrespected. Overloading yourself also leads to burnout and makes it difficult to achieve larger goals. A better strategy is to hand off everything that does not require your direct input or specific skill set. Doing so demonstrates to employees that you trust their abilities, which builds confidence and encourages innovation.

Lack of Communication

Communication is one of the most important responsibilities of a manager. Poor communication — or too little communication — is one of the most destructive management mistakes. Without feedback, praise and criticism, it's difficult for employees to understand what they are doing right and what they need to improve. A lack of communication, particularly during tough times, creates fear and uncertainty. Instead, aim for a leadership style that integrates open and honest feedback. In the process, you can help workers grow and make them feel like a trusted part of the company.

Thinking Small

As a manager, your role is to guide the team toward its larger goals. When you're focused on the daily grind, however, thinking small is one of the easiest management mistakes to make. If you find yourself thinking more about details and individual tasks, it's time to shift to a big-picture mindset. Explain to the team how they fit into overall company goals. Then, adjust responsibilities and roles to improve team performance. When workers understand how their work supports the company as a whole, they can better allot time and attention where it's needed most.

Management is an art form that requires people skills, excellent communication, precise organization and strategic thinking. Whether you're a brand-new manager or an old pro, learning about common management mistakes can help you become a more effective leader.

Image courtesy of khunaspix at


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  • charles b.
    charles b.

    great advice!

  • Nancy Anderson
    Nancy Anderson

    @Ginny thanks for your comment. Go for it! All managers had to start somewhere. If you have the traits to be a great manager then, by all means, go for it. We could all use good managers.

  • Virginia (Ginny) W.
    Virginia (Ginny) W.

    Amen to this!!!! I haven't EVER had a good manager....but I have ALL the traits to be one :-)

  • John A.
    John A.


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